S&P Global is committed to advancing education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Each year, S&P Global donates its engineering and geoscience products to educational institutions worldwide, so that the next generation of oil and gas professionals are equipped with our industry's most advanced tools. In 2022, S&P Global donated software and training to over 350 universities in 50+ countries. The educational institutions that meet our qualifications will receive a one-year grant of our software for classroom use and research. We also provide access to The Learning Center, and email support from our solutions experts. The Learning Center is your destination for all things learning and training. You can access our industry-leading fundamentals courses, beginner to advanced product training, and a community of knowledge and insights across our entire suite of solutions. Products available for donation include: S&P Global Energy Software - focus on Engineering, Geoscience, Mapping and Analytics
Customer Logins
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Customer LoginsUniversity Grant Program
How to apply
Application Packs
- If this is a NEW request, download the New Application
- If this is a RENEWAL, download the Renewal Application
- AccuMap only new request or renewal, download the AccuMap grant application
Supporting Information
- To help with Harmony Enterprise donations, please consult the Harmony Enterprise Turnkey Deployment Preparation Checklist
- Updates, instructions and video are available on the AccuMap Download site
How to qualify
- The university or institution may use the software for classroom instruction or research. The software must not be used for commercial purposes.
- The university or institution must reference S&P Global and the respective product(s) used to generate any technical paper written using these software.
- The university or institution must offer an undergraduate or graduate degree in one or more of the following studies: Geology, Geophysics, Engineering or Data Science. Technical colleges offering a diploma in the above studies may also apply.
- The university or institution will provide the hardware required to access the granted technology. The hardware should meet the recommended system requirements to run the most recent version of the software.
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